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When the River Dries Up

Saving Water in Arizona’s Farms
Faced with a worsening drought, a climate crisis and diminishing resources from the Colorado River, Arizona is promoting federally-funded programs to make water use more efficient and support aquifer recharge. The programs are reducing surface water use in agriculture, but keeping farmland producing.
Saving Colorado River Water (Program Repeat)
Utah’s water supply faces a precarious future. With less water because of the severe drought and competition for the Colorado River, ranches and farms are struggling to cut their water use to survive.
Saving Colorado River Water
Utah’s water supply faces a precarious future. With less water because of the severe drought and competition for the Colorado River, ranches and farms are struggling to cut their water use to survive.
“Water for the People” (Program Repeat)
Renowned scholars on the culture of water and the Rio Grande communities discuss their book “Water for the People”
Netanyahu offers controversial address to the US Congress
Israel's Prime Minister is expected to face significant protests from U.S. activists who oppose the war and Israeli pro-democracy activists who oppose his conservative regime.
Historic River Restoration Feat
The Klamath River dam removal project, the largest river restoration project in US history, will remove four hydroelectric dams in California and Oregon
Should Extreme Heat Be Declared Disaster?
Scorching heat waves are hitting tens of millions in much of the US in what could be the longest heatwave in decades for some areas. The early arrival of this much heat worry scientists.
Protecting the Seafood Supply
The appetite for seafood is intensifying and so is overfishing, which leads to the plundering of the seas. How can consumers be made aware of how to make their purchases in a way that helps to protect the seafood supply and make the seas sustainable?
Sustainable Fishing Communities
Marine life and fish populations are plummeting as a consequence of overfishing and destructive fishing practices. What are the biggest threats to our oceans and fisheries?
Plastics in the Oceans
On the heels of Earth Day, ocean conservation activists are participating this week in negotiations convened by the United Nations in Ottawa, Can, to agree on measures to curb plastic pollution, including in the oceans.
Colorado: Fighting Climate Change
On the heels of Earth Day, community activists in Colorado meet to explore the role Latinos can play in the fight against climate change. They discuss the disproportionate impact the pandemic had on Latino frontline, essential workers...
Conservation Agriculture
Given the impact of climate change that affects the binational basin of the Colorado River, farmers in the Mexicali Valley reorient their work towards more sustainable and resilient agriculture.
Oceans in Danger
Due to overfishing, pollution and climate change, the world’s oceans are becoming a dead zone for fish and marine life and could be depleted of life in this century. According to the United Nations, 90 percent of big fish populations are depleted. What are the specific causes of mass fish kills? How to protect the precious oceans? How can citizens get involved? A recognized advocate also discusses the White House ocean justice plans.
Colorado’s New Climate Roadmap
Colorado’s Gov. Jared Polis launched a new greenhouse gas “roadmap” with the goal of reducing industry emissions and improving air quality. How green is the plan?
Petrochemical Pollution Ravages Community
As previously reported, human rights organizations revealed the devastating effects that toxic pollution from hundreds of industrial plants in Houston’s Ship Channel region, the largest petrochemical complex in the US, is having on the health of local communities. The watchdogs blamed local and state authorities for failing to enforce protective systems. In this program, journalists who visited a frontline community and interviewed Latino families share their findings.
Planada, One Year After the Floods, and More
Un año después de las inundaciones de Planada, el condado de Merced aprobó un fondo de 20 millones de dólares en ayudas estatales. ¿Cuál es el plan para distribuirlo entre los damnificados? Además, mientras nuevas tormentas azotan la zona, ¿qué se hace para evitar que el desastre se repita?
Extra Edition: Debunking Myths. (Program Repeat). Also, Toxic Oil Pollution Ravaging Communities.
Most Latino children in California live in the most contaminated areas and suffer from asthma and diabetes at higher rates than white children. In response, community advocates are launching a campaign to debunk lies and draw the links between these maladies and climate change and the role of Big Oil. They are also urging the government to adopt remedial policies. This archival program was originally aired on February 1, 2024.
Megadrought, Water Boards and Elections.
Latino voters show a growing interest over water issues, such as drought, inadequate water supplies and the Colorado River crisis, surveys say. Still, Latino elected officials are often absent in water policy forums and very few are represented in water agency boards. Too often, during elections, water board seats go under the radar screen of voters. How high of a priority is water supply in the agenda of Latino voters in the Colorado River basin? What’s the role of local and state water boards in ensuring equal and sustainable access to water? How do water board decisions impact the quality...