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Is Las Vegas a Model of Effective Water Conservation?

By Laura Anaya-Morga
Published December 30, 2024

Se observa un aspersor roto en una casa en el lado oeste del valle. Este es un ejemplo de una violación de desperdicio de agua. Foto: Laura Anaya-Morga.

Over the past few decades, the desert state of Nevada has managed to use the relatively small share of water it receives from the Colorado River very efficiently. The Las Vegas Valley is leading the way in this effort through a package of measures, regulations, and awareness campaigns. The drought, a product of climate change, is drying up the flow of the Colorado. Six other states face the same problem in supplying water to 40 million people across the western United States, a third of whom are Latinos. How have they managed? Can their measures be replicated in other states? Laura Anaya-Morga looked for answers and reports from Las Vegas.  

The full text  and audio for this news piece are only available in Spanish.

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Photo: Laura Anaya-Morga

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