Conservation Agriculture

Inmigrantes y la reforma migratoria, que no les llega a pesar de sus enormes aportaciones económicas. Foto: Radio Bilingüe / Digitalphoto4U/Adobe Stock License.
PROGRAM #10346 12:00 PM PT
Conservation Agriculture. Given the impact of climate change that affects the binational basin of the Colorado River, farmers in the Mexicali Valley, where the highest temperatures in the country and the lowest rainfall are recorded, reorient their work towards more sustainable and resilient agriculture. Agroecologists are looking for different options to traditional crops as well as developing new and more efficient irrigation technologies, silvopastoral projects, and other plans.
Guest: Dr. Carolina Sánchez Gastélum, Director of Agroecology, Restoring The Colorado / Restauremos El Colorado A.C., Mexicali, Baja California, MX.
Photo: Digitalphoto4U/Adobe Stock License
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