Hacia el Voto 2024

PROGRAM #10299 11:00 AM PT
Extra Edition: Hacia el Voto 2024. On the eve of Super Tuesday, when California, Colorado, Texas and other states hold their 2024 primary elections, journalists and analysts discuss what’s on the ballot in each of those largely Latino states. What to know about voter guides, voter registration, early voting, and the new tools for voters. In California and Texas, voters will choose candidates for US President, US Senate, US Congress, and other offices and measures.
Guests: Alexei Koseff, State Capitol Reporter, CalMatters, Sacramento, CA; Fatima Flores-Lagunas, Political Director, CHIRLA, Los Angeles, CA; Juan Arámbula, Former California State Assemblyman, Fresno, CA; Giselle Gasca, Regional Manager, Poder Latinx, Visalia, CA
Photo: Dan Dennis via Unsplash
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