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Hacia el voto 2024

Mexico: Trump’s Candidacy and Bilateral Relations
On the day after Donald Trump’s official confirmation as Republican presidential candidate, Mexican analysts discuss the potential impact of policies such as mass deportations, deployment of US special forces to the border, and others.
RNC 2024: Presidential Nomination
On the final night of the Republican convention, Donald Trump is expected to give the speech to formally accept his party’s nomination as presidential candidate.
RNC 2024: Immigration Promises
Republicans are convening in Milwaukee to nominate candidates for president and vice president. The party adopted a platform that begins with the promise to “seal the border and stop the migrant invasion.”
Republican National Convention: Day One
Republican delegates from all over the nation begin a four-day national convention to officially nominate former President Trump as their candidate.
Colorado Primary Results
On the day after the primary elections in Colorado, analysts comment on the results. Voters went to the polls to choose candidates for all eight of Colorado’s U.S. House member seats
Are Latino Voters Really Shifting to the Right?
Latinos are the second largest group of voters in the US and every election reaches new heights powered by new, young voters.
Trump, Guilty. How Will It Impact the Presidential Election?
“It is a disgrace to our democracy to have a candidate like him, an enemy of immigrants.”
Economic Impact of Immigration: Electoral Debate
During the current election season, prominent campaigns target immigrants warning that they are a drain on the economy: they have no skills to offer, they take jobs from US workers and drive wages down.
Georgia Primary
Voters in Georgia went to the polls on Tuesday to decide contested primaries for Congress, state legislature and local offices. How to read the voter turnout and election results?
Arizona, Florida, Illinois: The Outcome
After the round of primaries in Florida, Arizona, Illinois, Kansas and Ohio, the lines are drawn for November’s presidential election. What’s next in the primary season? What primaries to watch? How is the “uncommitted” protest vote impacting the Democratic primaries? Who will Nikki Haley’s supports back now? What to expect from young voters? What voters to watch towards November? This is part of our series “Hacia el Voto 2024.”
Arizona, Florida, Illinois: Time to Vote
Voters go out to the polls in presidential primaries in swing state Arizona and red state Florida, as well as local and national primaries in blue Illinois, states with large and growing Latino electorates. Without Democratic presidential primary, only Republican voters can vote in Florida. Arizona, where a quarter of the state’s voters are expected to be Latino, is emerging again as a battleground state. What’s on the ballot? Who can vote? What races to watch? Where do candidates stand on key Latino issues? What’s at stake? This is part of our special series “Hacia el Voto 2024.”
Arizona, Illinois, Florida: Primaries Election Day
In today’s primary election, voters decide the Democratic and Republican presidential nominees in four states: Arizona, Illinois, Kansas and Ohio. Florida’s ballot only includes the Republican candidate. Without competitive races, what to expect? Political analysts discuss the news developments. This edition is part of the “Hacia el Voto 2024” series.
Arizona, Florida, Illinois: Primary Election Eve
The political power of the Latino vote has been steadily growing in Arizona, Florida and Illinois, with millions expected to cast ballots this year. As voters get ready to cast ballots in presidential primaries in Arizona and Florida, and primaries in Illinois and other states, how energized are Latinos to go out to vote? Where do the candidates stand on key Latino issues? This edition is part of the “Hacia el Voto 2024” series.
Election Results
The day after primary elections in Washington, Georgia and other states, reporters file stories on the results and analysts examine the road ahead for the major presidential campaigns and the impact expected from the Latino vote. This is a program of the series “Hacia el Voto 2024.”
Extra Edition: Primary Election Day
One week after Super Tuesday, voters in Washington, Georgia, and other states hold presidential primaries. What’s the ambience in the voting polls? How motivated is the Latino voter to go out to the polls? How big are the efforts to get the Latino vote out? What are the expectations for this election? How do voting results work? This edition of Radio Bilingüe’s special series “Hacia el Voto 2024.” is hosted from the hub of an effort in Atlanta to mobilize Latino voters.
Primary Election Day
As voters cast their ballots to select each party’s nominee for president in Washington, Georgia, and other states, reporters file stories on the voter turnout, last-minute efforts to get out the vote, and the issues driving voters to the polls. Political analysts examine the growing clout of the Latino vote in these states and put these primaries in perspective. This program, part of the series “Hacia el Voto 2024,” is hosted remotely from the site of a campaign to mobilize Latino voters in Atlanta.
Extra Edition: Super Tuesday Election Results
Voters in sixteen states went to the primary polls on Super Tuesday. Millions of Latino voters were eligible to cast their ballot. How enthusiastic was the Latino voter turnout? What races are they expected to have an impact on? Who are the winners and who are the losers? How did the process work? What to learn from this voting day towards the general election? This is part of our series Hacia el Voto 2024.
Extra Edition: Super Tuesday
It’s Super Tuesday in the US. Sixteen states are voting in the primaries. The Latino vote may be decisive in California, Colorado and Texas. Are Latino voters turning out to vote? What are the big choices in the ballots? What’s motivating and what’s stopping Latinos from voting? How to cast a ballot? What tools and hotlines are available to assist the Spanish-speaking voter? What are the rights of the voter on Election Day? This is part of our special series Hacia el Voto 2024.
Hacia el Voto 2024
On the eve of Super Tuesday, when California, Colorado, Texas and other states hold their 2024 primary elections, journalists and analysts discuss what’s on the ballot in each of those largely Latino states. What to know about voter guides, voter registration, early voting, and the new tools for voters. In California and Texas, voters will choose candidates for US President, US Senate, US Congress, and other offices and measures.
Super Tuesday Election Results
The day after the biggest primary day, reporters and analysts comment on the voting numbers and the exit polls. Among the topics to discuss: How did the voter turnout impact the election results? What can these results tell us about the road ahead towards the general election? What’s the outlook for California’s and Texas’ Senate races? Is Biden convincing doubters? Are “uncommitted” protest voters over Israel-Gaza making a dent? What’s the path forward for Haley? Is Trump clinching the nomination? What to expect from Trump’s bid in the face of legal battles? This is part of the series Hacia el...
Super Tuesday
It’s Super Tuesday in the US. Sixteen states are holding primaries, including California and Texas, the two states with the largest Latino population in the country. What role will Latinos play in the election? What issues are driving Latinos to the polls? Who is mobilizing to boost Latino voter turnout? How will voter turnout numbers impact the election results? How are hotlines assisting Spanish-speaking voters working? This is part of our series Hacia el Voto 2024.
Super Tuesday Election Eve
On the eve of Super Tuesday, vote promoters launch a last push to encourage Latino, immigrant and first-time voters to go out to the polls. Millions of Latinos are eligible to vote in California, Colorado, Texas and other states holding primaries. They are projected to reach new voting heights in 2024. Are they fired up to go out and vote? What’s in their minds? How are political campaigns fighting for the Latino vote? What are the key races on the ballot in California and Texas? What are the stakes in those races? How can we read the early vote numbers?...
Tackling Disinformation.
Disinformation is reportedly getting worse each election season. Baseless claims of election fraud targeting noncitizens or voting by mail are common this year. Some campaigns are claiming that “immigrants are taking all our jobs.” Others are blaming health insurance programs expanded to immigrants in some states with “creating perverse incentives for illegal immigration.” Social scientists join this program to identify fake news and fact check and answer some common assertions geared to influence voters’ opinions.
Music, Health and the Latino Vote
As Super Tuesday looms, doctors and nurses set out to mobilize around civic health. Proposing that elections are critical for health care access, community health centers in Southern California are bringing early voting machines and Spanish-language voter guides to their clinics. The non-partisan campaign is known as “Mi Voto, Mi Salud.” On a related note, artist promoters are using Mexican music to get young citizens excited about voting. Big name artists are lending their voice to drive younger millennials and Gen-Z Latino voters to the polls, as part of the non partisan campaign “Grita.Canta.Vota.”
Latino Voters and the Colorado Primaries.
On March 5, Colorado will hold its primary election to decide only the presidential candidates for each party, as the nation waits for the U.S. Supreme Court verdict on Colorado’s decision to remove former President Trump from the state’s primary ballot. Meantime, how will the votes for Trump be counted? What do voters need to know? How critical will the Latino vote be in the 2024 elections? What matters to them? What do they want from policymakers?