Universal Preschool in Colorado. Also, Denver Basic Income Project.
PROGRAM # 9780 12:00 PM PT
Universal Preschool in Colorado.
Colorado children from low- and middle-income families may receive up to 20 hours a week of free preschool under a state’s draft plan. Currently, the law guarantees ten hours a week for all 4-year-olds. The new, universal preschool program will be in the fall of next year.
Denver Basic Income Project. In an effort to deal with the growing homelessness and poverty crisis, Denver is launching a “universal basic income” program. Under the pilot project, a group of unhoused people will receive direct payments over the course of a year. About 30 cities or states in the nation have launched similar programs.
Guest: Vanessa Bedolla, VISTAS Case Manager, Servicios de la Raza, Denver, CO.
Photo: cdec.colorado.gov
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