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The Social Security Fairness Act

By Radio Bilingüe
Published January 13, 2025

PROGRAM #10652 12:00 PM PT

The Social Security Fairness Act. 

The US Congress has passed the Social Security Fairness Act, a bipartisan bill that will restore social security benefits for public employees, among them teachers, firefighters, police officers, postal workers and many others. What’s in it? This program includes an update on the fires that broke out on Tuesday, January 7 in the Los Angeles sector, where the threat from firestorms continues as new rounds of Santa Ana winds are forecast.

Guests: Rep. Henry Cuellar, US Congressman, D-TX, Washington, DC; Ruben Tapia, Reporter/Producer, Los Angeles, CA.

María Eraña: Legacy Award. An organization that promotes leadership among Chicana Latina scholars is recognizing Radio Bilingüe’s outgoing Broadcast Director María Eraña with its Legacy Award for her central role in the community network’s expansion along the US Southwest. The Chicana Latina Foundation states: “We need to support Latinx/Indigenous owned community media as an alternative to corporate media… [Radio Bilingüe] is truly a treasure that plays a key role in our communities.” In this interview, Eraña reflects on her decades-long work in Radio Bilingüe.

Guest: María Eraña, Outgoing Broadcast Director, Radio Bilingüe, Recipient of Legacy Award by Chicana Latina Foundation, Fresno, CA.

Photo: Social Security Administration/Facebook

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