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LGBTQ Activism. Also, Antiviral Pills Underused.

By Radio Bilingue
Published February 23, 2023

Thursday_673x324 12pm

PROGRAM # 9926 12:00 PM PT

LGBTQ Activism.

LGBTQ people from around the nation convene in San Francisco to discuss the current challenges of the community, including the wave of anti-LGBTQ legislation gaining ground in many states, the rise in violence and hate crimes and the discrimination in basic services, such as housing and health care, against this community.

Antiviral Pills Underused. The antiviral pill Paxlovid helps reduce the severity of Covid infections, hospitalizations and deaths. Yet, the treatment is underused in many areas of the nation. California, in contrast, is managing to increase the utilization of these potentially life saving treatments. What should people know about Paxlovid? These and other health-related news and coverage under Medicaid are discussed in this edition.

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