La Raza Unida: Fifty Years.

PROGRAM # 9747 12:00 PM PT
La Raza Unida: Fifty Years.
Hundreds of political leaders and civil rights activists are expected to convene today in San Antonio, TX, for a three-day reunion to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of La Raza Unida Party. The first national convention of the party was in El Paso in 1972. After ten years it was dissolved, leaving a legacy of electoral empowerment. The conference will celebrate the legacy, examine the current situation, and discuss passing the torch to the new guard.
Guests: José Ángel Gutiérrez, Founder and National Chair, La Raza Unida Party, San Antonio, TX; Mario Compean, LRUP Candidate for Governor of Texas 1978, San Antonio, TX (TBC); Others TBA.
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