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Extra Edition: Healthy Vision: A Family Focus. (Program Repeat) Also, Mental Health: Breaking the Stigma.

By Radio Bilingue
Published May 23, 2023

Tuesday_673x324 11am TUESDAY, MAY 23
PROGRAM # 10013 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Healthy Vision: A Family Focus. (Program Repeat)

As people age, they’re at a greater risk for many eye diseases and conditions — but vision loss doesn’t have to be a normal part of aging. Early detection and treatment can help protect vision and prevent vision loss, but many eye diseases have no early symptoms. How can older adults catch eye diseases and conditions early? This year, Healthy Vision Month is focusing on Spanish-speaking families, warning that Latinos have high rates of vision loss caused by some eye diseases.

Guest: Dr. Michael Maldonado, Optometrist, Member, National Eye Institute’s National Eye Health Education Program, El Paso, TX.

Mental Health: Breaking the Stigma. On Mental Health Awareness Month, leading providers of emotional health care are launching a campaign focusing on how to recognize and combat stigma in their communities and encourage people to seek the care they need. Experts are providing tips to prevent suicides, improve mental health and well-being using tools such as mindfulness, stress management, and self-care.

Guest: Charlene Dimas Peinado, President and Executive Director, Wellnest, Los Angeles, CA.

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