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Debt Ceiling Deal. Also, Republican Presidential Race: First Salvos, and Texas Impeachment

By Radio Bilingue
Published May 31, 2023

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, MAY 31
PROGRAM # 10022 12:00 PM PT

A debt ceiling deal has come just in time to avert a government debt default on June 5. President Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy reached an agreement and they are urging Congress to pass it. The deal is still opposed by some Democratic lawmakers who resist social spending cuts and some Republicans who want more cuts. A political analyst unpacks the concessions.

Guest: Frances Colón, Senior Director, Center for American Progress, Washington, DC.

Republican Presidential Race: First Salvos. Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced he is running for president, becoming the main challenger to Donald Trump, the leader in Republican primary polls. DeSantis is entering the race with a far-right, “expansive conservatism” agenda, promising hard-line immigration policies and targeting abortion rights, LGBTQ people and the teaching about race relations. Analysts explain this agenda and the areas of clash with top contender Donald Trump.

Guest: Nancy Treviño, Director of Power, Presente, Pueblo, CO.

Texas Impeachment. On the last day of the legislative session, the Texas Senate agreed to start its trial of impeached Attorney General Ken Paxton after the House named the members to handle the prosecution. The articles of impeachment include charges of misspending public funds and misusing his power to benefit a friend and a political donor and years of misconduct. What are the political ramifications of this process against a top Republican member of the Republican state government?

Guest: Lydia Camarillo, President and Executive Director, Southwest Voter Registration and William C. Velasquez Institute, San Antonio, TX.

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