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Colorado: Latino Voters in the Midterms.

By Radio Bilingue
Published September 21, 2022

PROGRAM # 9752 12:00 PM PT

Colorado: Latino Voters in the Midterms.

Latino voters in Colorado are feeling the pinch of rising prices and are anxious about their future financial situation. They also fear for their kids being victims of mass shootings at school. With these concerns in mind, Latinos could be a decisive force in one of the most competitive House districts in the nation, where a candidate is vying to  become the first Latina Congresswoman. They could also sway the close US Senate race. And while a large majority say they are ready to vote in November, many say they have not been contacted by any candidate, party representative or community organization. A news reporter talked about those issues with people on the street in Colorado. This is an edition of “Hacia el Voto 2022.”

Guests: Rossana Longo-Better, Reporter, Boulder, CO; Aurea Bolaños Perea, Strategic Communications Director, COLOR, Denver, CO; Voices from Colorado Residents, Boulder, CO.

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