“Voces: Latino Vote 2024”

PROGRAM #10552 11:00 AM PT
“Voces: Latino Vote 2024.”
As Republican and Democratic campaigns are courting Latino voters more aggressively and earlier than ever, the stakes for both parties are rising by the day. To delve into this scenario, public television broadcasters in California are launching a new documentary examining the priorities of diverse groups of the Latino electorate in the run-up to the 2024 presidential election. The film focuses on the key issues that will drive Latino voter turnout in some of the most hotly contested battleground states, including Arizona, a state that used to be a Republican stronghold and has transformed over the last decade. It also features Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, as well as efforts by both political parties to reach the Latino electorate in California and Florida.
Guest: Andres Cediel, Documentary Producer, PBS TV Network, Berkeley, CA.
Latino Voters Town Hall with Trump. The Spanish-language media corporation TelevisaUnivision is hosting a town hall in Miami with presidential candidate Donald Trump. Selected undecided Latino voters ask questions and the Republican candidate responds. Expected highlights include topics such as the economy, health care, immigration, and foreign policy. An expert fact checks the answers.
Guest: Samuel Orozco, News Director, Radio Bilingüe, Fresno, CA.
Photo: yashmori/Flickr
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