The Power of the Latino Vote

En la fila de votación. Foto: : Lorie Shaull / Flickr
PROGRAM #10407 12:00 PM PT
The Power of the Latino Vote.
The growing Latino vote in Colorado is positioned to have a decisive impact on the outcome of at least two highly disputed seats in the US House which can eventually play a big role in the battle for the US Congress. The upcoming Colorado June 25th Primary Election will put the Latino vote to the test. Will Latinos turn out to vote? What’s on the ballot? What top concerns are driving them to the polls? What races to watch? How big is the level of influence and representation gained by Latinos in the state in recent elections? Who is mobilizing the Latino vote? This roundtable originates at the Building and Bridging Power conference in Denver.
Guests: Gladis Ibarra, Co-Executive Director, Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition-CIRC, Denver CO; Rossana Longo Better, Contributing Reporter, Boulder, CO; Celeste Martínez, Social Movement Researcher, Celestial Alegría, Denver, CO.
Photo: Lorie Shaull via Flickr
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