Tackling Disinformation.

PROGRAM #10297 12:00 PM PT
Tackling Disinformation. Disinformation is reportedly getting worse each election season. Baseless claims of election fraud targeting noncitizens or voting by mail are common this year. Some campaigns are claiming that “immigrants are taking all our jobs.” Others are blaming health insurance programs expanded to immigrants in some states with “creating perverse incentives for illegal immigration.” Social scientists join this program to identify fake news and fact check and answer some common assertions geared to influence voters’ opinions.
Guests: Avi Chomsky, Professor, History Department, Salem State University, Salem, MA; Giovanni Peri, Professor and Labor Economist, UC Davis, Davis, CA; Dr. David Hayes-Bautista, Chief of Demographics, Latino GDP Project and Director, Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture, School of Medicine, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA (TBC).