Super Tuesday Election Eve

PROGRAM #10300 12:00 PM PT
Super Tuesday Election Eve. On the eve of Super Tuesday, vote promoters launch a last push to encourage Latino, immigrant and first-time voters to go out to the polls. Millions of Latinos are eligible to vote in California, Colorado, Texas and other states holding primaries. They are projected to reach new voting heights in 2024. Are they fired up to go out and vote? What’s in their minds? How are political campaigns fighting for the Latino vote? What are the key races on the ballot in California and Texas? What are the stakes in those races? How can we read the early vote numbers? This is part of our special series Hacia el Voto 2024.
Guests: Julio Rivera, National Deputy Director of Civic Engagement, NALEO Educational Fund, San Diego, CA; Jose L. Barrera Novoa, Vice President for the Farwest Region, LULAC, Washington, DC; José López Zamorano, News Correspondent, Washington, DC.
Photo: Steve Rhodes via Flickr
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