RNC 2024: Presidential Nomination

PROGRAM #10442 12:00 PM PT
RNC 2024: Presidential Nomination. On the final night of the Republican convention, Donald Trump is expected to give the speech to formally accept his party’s nomination as presidential candidate. This edition includes a report on what’s happening in the convention, including the scheduled speech by Trump, fragments of the vice-presidential candidate acceptance speech, and Republican analysts comment on the road ahead for a candidate plagued by legal troubles and felony convictions.
Guests: Abel Maldonado, Former Lt. Governor, R-California, from the Fiserv Forum (Republican National Convention site), Milwaukee, WI; Al Cardenas, Former Chair of Florida’s Republican Party, Former Member of the Republican National Executive Committee, Miami, FL; Israel Ortega, National Spokesperson, LIBRE Initiative, Arlington, VA; also, fragments of Acceptance Speech by Republican Vice Presidential Candidate from the Fiserv Forum, Milwaukee, WI.
Photo: Gage Skidmore/Flickr
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