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Republican National Convention: Day One

By Radio Bilingüe
Published July 13, 2024


PROGRAM #10437 12:00 PM PT 

Republican National Convention: Day One. Republican delegates from all over the nation begin a four-day national convention to officially nominate former President Trump as their candidate. The presidential convention is in Milwaukee, the largest city in Wisconsin, a highly disputed swing state that may determine the November election. On the first day, the convention is expected to approve the Republican Party’s platform, which will define the party’s position on issues like abortion, immigration, and tax cuts. On this day, Trump is expected to announce his running mate. A broad coalition of civil organizations is planning to stage protests outside the convention center,  advocating for the rights of women and communities of color, immigrant and reproductive rights,  solidarity with Palestine; and more. 

Guests: Al Cardenas, Former Chair of Florida’s Republican Party, Former Member of the Republican National Executive Committee, Miami, FL; Rosario Marin, Former US Treasurer, Republican Analyst, Orange, CA; Luis Alvarado, Former Republican Strategist, Conservative Analyst, Los Angeles, CA; Medea Benjamin, CodePink, Milwaukee, WI (TBC).

Photo: City of Milwaukee

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