Protecting Immigrant Students

PROGRAM #10680 12:00 PM PT
Protecting Immigrant Students. The Trump administration’s immigration policies and rhetoric of mass deportations is fueling widespread fears and anxiety in many communities, compounded by the threats to conduct immigration arrests at “sensitive locations” like schools. How are these fears impacting students, families, and schools? How are schools and colleges preparing and responding? What are education leaders doing to protect immigrant students and families? And as advocates call on Congress to protect Dreamers, what are college leaders doing to support DACA recipients?
Guests: Britt Rios-Ellis, President, California State University, Stanislaus-CSUS, Turlock, CA; Carolina Alfaro, Executive Director, Student Leadership, Engagement and Belonging, California State University Stanislaus-CSUS, Turlock, CA; Noel Candelaria, Secretary-Treasurer, National Education Association-NEA, Washington, DC; Antonio Flores, President, Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities-HACU, San Antonio, TX.
Photo: Kenny Eliason/Unsplash
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