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Pro-immigrant organizations reject asylum restriction for immigrants announced by Biden

By Radio Bilingüe
Published June 06, 2024

Joe Biden “…Today, I am announcing actions to prohibit migrants who cross our southern border illegally from receiving asylum. Migrants will be restricted from receiving asylum at our southern border unless they seek it after entering through an established legal process.”

This is the announcement by U.S. President Joe Biden of an executive order, effective immediately, to temporarily close the border with Mexico while undocumented crossings are elevated in order to restrict the right of asylum seekers to seek asylum.

This change is based on sections 212-F. and 215-A of the Immigration Law and will be applied when more than 2,500 undocumented persons cross the border without permission.

However, organizations regret this decision, because it endangers the lives of many immigrants seeking asylum, according to the director of the Network of Human Rights Organizations, Fernando Garcia.

Fernando Garcia warns that the measure is clearly political within the electoral process, and has very serious implications.

Fernando García, regrets that Biden takes up Trump’s racist discourse against migrants.

The director of the Network of Human Rights Organizations argues that the executive order does not propose solutions even pointing out that the asylum application program by phone does not work.

Finally, Fernando Garcia, director of the Red de Organizaciones de Derechos Humanos said that the sections alluded to in Biden’s executive order have already been used by Trump.

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