Moving Patients to Medi-Cal

PROGRAM #10319 11:00 AM PT
Extra Edition: Moving Patients to Medi-Cal. After California opened Medi-Cal to all undocumented immigrants in the state, a clinic in Los Angeles that serves uninsured immigrants and low-income families moved all its undocumented patients to full-scope Medi-Cal. What does it mean for the patients to go from restricted to full-scope health care coverage? How are they using the new benefits? What does it mean for the clinic to enroll thousands of patients in the Medi-Cal health plan?
Guests: Carlos Vaquerano, Executive Director, Clínica Romero, Los Angeles, CA; Rosalba Gómez, Breast Cancer Survivor and Clinic Patient, Clínica Romero, Los Angeles, CA; Angélica Bernal, Patient, Clínica Romero, Los Angeles, CA; María Romero-Mora, Office of Communication and Community Engagement, California Department of Health Care Services-DHCS, Sacramento, CA.
Photo: Olena Yefremkina/Adobe Stock License
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