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México: Early Voting Abroad

By Radio Bilingüe
Published May 04, 2024


PROGRAM #10370 12:00 PM PT 

Mexico Edition. For Mexicans living abroad, the June election has already arrived. Thousands have already mailed in their ballots. A Mexican official explains the rules. In other news, a major reform of Mexico’s pension system went into effect in recent days after the law was signed by President López Obrador. What’s in the reform plan? What’s next? When can elderly beneficiaries expect to receive the first checks?

Guests: Guillermo Zamarripa Escamilla, President, Mexican Association of Afores-AMAFORE, Mexico City, MX; Arturo Castillo Loza, Advisor, National Electoral Institute-INE, Mexico City, MX.

Photo: votoextranjero via X

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