Medicaid Losses Hit Immigrant Communities Hard

PROGRAM #10550 11:00 AM PT
Medicaid Losses Hit Immigrant Communities Hard.
A new analysis found that Medicaid eligibility policies and practices in Colorado resulted in leaving tens of thousands of additional people in counties with larger immigrant shares of population losing Medicaid. Advocates conclude that as states worked to “unwind” Medicaid’s pandemic-era continuous coverage requirement, immigrant families are losing health care access and this is widening racial health disparities.
Guests: Esther Reyes, Campaign Strategist, Protecting Immigrant Families-PIF, Austin, TX; Nicole Cervera Loy, Policy and Campaigns Manager, Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition-CIRC, Denver, CO.
Fighting anti-immigrant hate in Aurora. Immigrant and civil rights groups in Aurora, Colorado, come together to make it clear that people in the state will stand up for shared values of caring for their neighbors and building a state where everyone can thrive, regardless of race, income or immigration status, despite efforts by extremists to spread hate and scapegoat immigrants.
Guest: Nicole Cervera Loy, Policy and Campaigns Manager, Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition-CIRC, Denver, CO.
Photo: Gorodenkoff/Adobe Stock
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