Medi-Cal for All Low-Income Residents

Foto by California Department of Healthcare Services via Facebook
PROGRAM #10285 12:00 PM PT
Medi-Cal for All Low-Income Residents. On January 1, California enacted a new law that expands health care coverage for all low-income immigrants. Under the new law, all undocumented immigrants may qualify for full scope Medi-Cal, California’s version of the federal Medicaid program. Before, they could only get Medi-Cal for medical emergencies. Are the newly eligible people showing up at the clinics? Are they getting enrolled? Do they have any concerns? Have they received the news?
Guests: Ana Ibarra, Health Reporter, CalMatters, Sacramento, CA; Ilan Shapiro, MD Chief Health Correspondent and Medical Affairs Officer, AltaMed, Los Angeles, CA.
Photo: California Department of Health Care Services via facebook
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