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Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

By Radio Bilingüe
Published May 03, 2024

Demetra Boles, encargada de la oficina de GCR en Ganiesville, con Laritza. Foto: HNS.

Immigration Reform and Gaza Ceasefire Resonate in Hollywood – A path to citizenship and a ceasefire in Gaza were the two big demands heard during the May 1st celebration in the streets of Hollywood. In the entertainment capital, thousands of workers, students and peace activists also advocated for strengthening labor rights in a commemoration by immigrants to remember the martyrs of Chicago, champions of the eight-hour workday. Ruben Tapia files the report from Hollywood, California.

After Decades Without Drinking Water, Residents in New Mexico Say: Enough! – Residents of Sunland Park, a small, heavily Latino town in New Mexico, drew national attention decades ago for opposing a medical waste incinerator company. But now they face another challenge: getting clean drinking water into homes. Although this is a long-standing and widespread problem in the U.S.-Mexico border area, it has recently become worse, and outraged residents are speaking out. Kent Paterson investigated and delivers this report, voiced by Marco Vinicio Gonzalez.

A Mother Turned Her Life Around After Nearly Losing Her Children to Drug Use. What Made Her Change? – A mother was on the verge of losing custody of her children over her addiction to opioids during and after pregnancy. However, a program aimed at recuperating addicts gave her life a new direction. Today, she works full-time helping pregnant women overcome addiction. Gerardo Guzmán spoke with her and provides us her story from Georgia.  

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