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Linea Abierta Programming: WEEK OF JUNE 10, 2024

By Radio Bilingüe
Published June 10, 2024

PROGRAM #10402 12:00 PM PT

A Way Out of the Overdose Crisis. San Francisco’s drug crisis has quickly worsened as 2023 became the city’s deadliest year for drug overdoses, amid a national rise of fentanyl. As culminating part of the special radio series “Bridging the Gap” and in collaboration with Brava Theater in San Francisco, convened a community forum in the heart of the San Francisco barrio with family members of survivors of drug addiction, frontline workers who are helping save lives, and public health officials who are tackling the crisis. What’s behind this new drug overdose crisis? What’s been done to invest in drug treatment in the worst-hit areas? What new approaches are being tested to reduce harm? This is a recorded version of the forum.

Guests: Dr. Marlene Martin, Addiction Care Team Director, Addiction Initiatives, LCOE Division of Hospital Medicine, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital, University of California at San Francisco-UCSF, San Francisco, CA; Laura Guzman, Executive Director, National Harm Reduction Coalition, Oakland, CA; Valeska Cruz, Community Health Promoter, Latino Task Force, Sister of Overdose Victim, San Francisco, CA.


PROGRAM #10403 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Bird Flu: Third Case. (Program Repeat). Another human case of bird flu has been detected in Michigan, with new symptoms. The patient is a dairy worker. What to know about these cases? How can farm workers protect against the new virus? This archival program was originally aired on Thursday, June 6, 2024.

Guest: Dr. Denisse Vega Ocasio, Epidemiologist, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta, GA.

Strokes in Young People On The Rise. Strokes have dramatically doubled among 20- to 44-year-olds. How common are strokes in the United States and why is it increasing in young adults?

Guest: Dr. Clinton Wright, Vascular Neurologist and Associate Director, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda, MD.

Staying Safe In Extreme Heat. With extreme heat expected this week as we enter the summer season, California is working to keep people safe with outreach efforts, safety resources, and state action. This program covers California state actions and important information on extreme heat preparedness.

Guest: Yurina Melara Valiulis, Multiethnic Press Secretary, Office of Community Partnerships and Strategic Communications, California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, Sacramento CA.

PROGRAM #10404 12:00 PM PT

A Shift Towards Humane Immigration Reforms: Live From Denver. This panel from the site of the TCT’s Building and Bridging Power conference in Denver delves into Colorado’s changing pro-immigrant political landscape, including recent legislative victories amid the rising tide nationwide of anti-immigrant rhetoric, threats of mass deportations, and border-closing policies. Topics include The Immigration Legal Defense Fund for Universal Representation; farmworker protections, including the right to unionize and minimum wage laws; the OmniSalud program, providing subsidized healthcare plans for undocumented residents; the country’s first unemployment insurance fund for undocumented workers; and more.

Guests: Johanna Ulloa Girón, Advocacy Program Manager, The Colorado Trust–A Health Equity Foundation, Denver, CO; Gladis Ibarra, Co-Executive Director, CIRC, Denver, CO; Patricia Alvarez Harrell, Executive Director, Alianza NORCO, Fort Collins, CO; Ricardo Pérez, Executive Director, Hispanic Affairs Project, Montrose, CO; Enrique Orozco, Co-Executive Director, Compañeros: Four Corners Immigrant Resource Center, Durango, CO.


PROGRAM #10405 12:00 PM PT

Latinos Political Clout in Colorado. This is a live report from the site of the Building and Bridging Bridges conference in Denver. Community and policy leaders meet to discuss pressing topics for the region, including the growing threats of toxic disinformation campaigns targeting communities of color and Latino voters; the increasing role of Latina voters and their influence in civic life; and the building of new coalitions around anti-poverty programs.

Guests: Johanna Ulloa Girón, Advocacy Program Manager, The Colorado Trust-A Health Equity Foundation, Denver, CO; Hugo Morales, Executive Co-Director and Founder, Radio Bilingüe, Fresno, CA today from Denver, CO; Guadalupe López, Immigrant Rights Organizer, American Friends Service Committee-AFSC, Fort Morgan, CO; Ricardo Pérez, Executive Director, Hispanic Affairs Project, Montrose, CO; Carolina Diaz Ovalle, Legal Assistance Coordinator, Compañeros: Four Corners Immigrant Resource Center, Durango, CO; Ayelen Maldonado, Program Assistant, Compañeros: Four Corners Immigrant Resource Center, Durango, CO; Erika Cervantes, Climate Justice Community Organizer, Colorado’s People Alliance, Denver, CO; Claudia Gamez, Delta Community Organizer, Tri-County Health Network, Telluride, CO; Yerania Reynoso, Program Coordinator, Mountain Dreamers, Frisco, CO; Cielo Galindo, Volunteer, Mountain Dreamers and Volunteer, Building and Bridging Power Conference, Frisco, CO.


PROGRAM #10406 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Medi-Cal Open to All. Community health promoters are stepping up efforts to enroll residents into Medi-Cal, the public health insurance program. Medi-Cal eligibility workers and enrollment counselors are reaching out to immigrants to answer questions about changes to this year’s application, like eligibility. Changes this year include that your personal bank information is not included in the application process, and full-scope benefits for all adults, including undocumented residents.

Guests: Mayra E. Alvarez, President, The Children’s Partnership, Los Angeles, CA; Dr. José Torradas, Emergency Medicine Physician also Co-Founder, Medicos Unidos, and Bilingual Spokesperson, American College of Emergency Physicians-ACEP, Philadelphia, PA.

PROGRAM #10407 12:00 PM PT

The Power of the Latino Vote. The growing Latino vote in Colorado is positioned to have a decisive impact on the outcome of at least two highly disputed seats in the US House which can eventually play a big role in the battle for the US Congress. The upcoming Colorado June 25th Primary Election will put the Latino vote to the test. Will Latinos turn out to vote? What’s on the ballot? What top concerns are driving them to the polls? What races to watch? How big is the level of influence and representation gained by Latinos in the state in recent elections? Who is mobilizing the Latino vote? This roundtable originates at the Building and Bridging Power conference in Denver.

Guests: Gladis Ibarra, Co-Executive Director, Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition-CIRC, Denver CO; Rossana Longo Better, Contributing Reporter, Boulder, CO; Celeste Martínez, Social Movement Researcher, Celestial Alegría, Denver, CO.


PROGRAM #10408 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition. Mexican emigres voted in the United States in numbers that took electoral authorities by surprise and caused widespread failures in the in-person voting system. Analysts examine the most glaring failures and new migrant Mexican legislators are been invited to participate in this program.

Guests: Karina Ruiz, Mexico’s first Migrant Senator, Phoenix, AZ; Avelino Meza, General Secretary, Migrant Force/Fuerza Migrante, New York, NY; excerpts from recent statements by Claudia Sheinbaum, Mexico’s President-Elect.

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