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Linea Abierta Programming: WEEK OF JULY 15, 2024

By Radio Bilingüe
Published July 12, 2024


PROGRAM #10437 12:00 PM PT 

Republican National Convention: Day One. Republican delegates from all over the nation begin a four-day national convention to officially nominate former President Trump as their candidate. The presidential convention is in Milwaukee, the largest city in Wisconsin, a highly disputed swing state that may determine the November election. On the first day, the convention is expected to approve the Republican Party’s platform, which will define the party’s position on issues like abortion, immigration, and tax cuts. On this day, Trump is expected to announce his running mate. A broad coalition of civil organizations is planning to stage protests outside the convention center,  advocating for the rights of women and communities of color, immigrant and reproductive rights,  solidarity with Palestine; and more. 

Guests: Al Cardenas, Former Chair of Florida’s Republican Party, Former Member of the Republican National Executive Committee, Miami, FL; Rosario Marin, Former US Treasurer, Republican Analyst, Orange, CA; Luis Alvarado, Former Republican Strategist, Conservative Analyst, Los Angeles, CA; Medea Benjamin, CodePink, Milwaukee, WI (TBC).



PROGRAM #10438 11:00 AM PT 

Extra Edition: Immigrant Detainees Go on Strike. Dozens of workers detained at immigrant detention centers in McFarland, CA and Bakersfield, CA, launched a labor strike to protest worsening conditions and retaliation at these ICE facilities, run by a private prison company. Family members of the detainees talk about what they hear from the strikers. 

Major California Food Plant Closing. A major garlic and onion processing plant is shutting down in a small town in Fresno County, laying off hundreds of workers. Why the closure? Where will the displaced workers go? What’s the expected impact on the economy of rural communities? How are the small towns preparing for this disruption?

PROGRAM #10439 12:00 PM PT 

RNC 2024: Immigration Promises. Republicans are convening in Milwaukee to nominate candidates for president and vice president. The party adopted a platform that begins with the promise to “seal the border and stop the migrant invasion,” followed by “carrying out the largest deportation operation in US history.” The platform, crafted by operatives of the Trump campaign, also promises to “stop the migrant crime epidemic” and to fight against “giving voting rights to illegal aliens.” In this edition, immigration analysts examine what to expect from a Republican presidency under these priorities and rhetoric.



PROGRAM #10440 12:00 PM PT 

Hurricane Beryl: The Aftermath. It’s been several days since Hurricane Beryl hit, and millions of people in Houston are still without power, internet, and gas. A dangerous heat wave is scorching the area, and it’s clear that power needs to be restored as soon as possible. How long will it take to restore power for everyone? What do we know about the power outages? What are the consequences on people? Who is getting emergency aid?

Mental Care for Children on Medicaid. The Colorado health care department has agreed to improve mental health therapy to children enrolled in Medicaid and work on a mental health delivery model that is culturally relevant, family centered, and child-driven. This settlement is expected to benefit children under the age of 21 who are enrolled in Colorado’s Medicaid Program, have been diagnosed with a mental health or behavioral disorder and are in need of intensive mental health therapies.



PROGRAM #10441 11:00 AM PT 

Extra Edition: Tackling Surge of Alcohol, Drug Addictions. (Program Repeat). Alcohol consumption and alcohol-related deaths went up during the Covid-19 pandemic, more than in the last 50 years. The opioid crisis also worsened in recent years. How are these maladies impacting Latinos and immigrants? Are they at higher risk for alcohol and drug use disorders? Listeners are encouraged to call in and talk to an internationally-renowned mental health expert. This archival program was originally aired on June 27, 2024.

Guest: Dr. Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, Founding Director, Center for Reducing Health Disparities, UC Davis, Davis, CA. 

World Day Against Drugs. Communities around the world marked yesterday the World Day to Fight Drug Abuse, pledging to redouble efforts to combat the world drug problem, at a time when the use of fentanyl spreads rapidly in the US and overdose deaths impact young Latinos with a special force. How can families and communities provide and receive harm reduction and effective treatment services to help victims recover? 

Guest: Dr. Cristina Rabadán-Diehl, Bilingual Substance Use Disorder Technical Advisor,  Cristina Rabadan Consulting LLC, Bethesda, MD.

PROGRAM #10442  12:00 PM PT 

RNC 2024: Presidential Nomination. On the final night of the Republican convention, Donald Trump is expected to give the speech to formally accept his party’s nomination as presidential candidate. This edition includes a report on what’s happening in the convention, including the scheduled speech by Trump, fragments of the vice-presidential candidate acceptance speech, and Republican analysts comment on the road ahead for a candidate plagued by legal troubles and felony convictions.

Guests: Fragment of Acceptance Speech by Republican Vice Presidential Candidate; Israel Ortega, National Spokesperson, LIBRE Initiative, Arlington, VA; Others TBA.



PROGRAM #10443 12:00 PM PT 

Mexico Edition. On the day after Donald Trump’s official confirmation as Republican presidential candidate, Mexican analysts discuss the potential impact of policies such as mass deportations, deployment of US special forces to the border, and onerous tariffs on imports on bilateral US-Mexico relations. On other news, Mexico’s Congress is debating constitutional reforms to the judiciary. What’s the content of the proposed reforms? What are the central lines of the political debate?

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