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Linea Abierta Programming: WEEK OF APRIL 29, 2024

By Radio Bilingüe
Published April 26, 2024

PROGRAM #10357 12:00 PM PT

New Protections for Migrant Workers. Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su announced a new rule to strengthen protections for farmworkers. The milestone rule targets abuses against workers under the H2A program and seeks to ensure that employing temporary foreign labor will not affect the wages and working conditions of workers in the US. Acting Secretary Su explains the new rule in this timely interview.

Guests: Acting Secretary Julie Su, US Department of Labor, Santa Rosa, CA; Others TBA.

“Strolling Thunder.” Fearing congressional cuts to vital safeguards such as child care, special education programs, affordable housing and even children’s health care, parents from across the nation descend on Washington’s Capitol to rally and meet with members of Congress. Called Strolling Thunder, this mobilization is part of a national movement to focus on the pressing needs of babies, toddlers, and their families. A national leader discusses data on the state of babies around the nation, the special needs of babies and children from 0 to 3 years old, and key existing policies that impact the lives of children, moms, and families.

Guest: Miriam Calderón, Policy Director, Zero to Three, Washington, DC.


PROGRAM #10358 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Rafael Manríquez Fest. Troubadour extraordinaire Eduardo Peralta comes from his native Chile to join musicians and artists from the San Francisco Bay Area in celebrating the life and music of Rafael Manríquez, the Chilean singer, composer and music journalist who is recognized as a leading figure of Latin America’s folksong movement. At the 10th Annual Rafael Manriquez Fest, the late singer will be inducted in the Wall of Fame of the iconic venue La Peña in Berkeley. This program includes original songs from Rafael Manríquez.

Guests: Eduardo Peralta, Virtuoso Guitar Player, Recognized with France’s Highest Cultural Honor, Berkeley, CA; Marci Manríquez and Ricardo Valdivieso, Musicians, Duamuxa Duet, Berkeley, CA.

PROGRAM #10359 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition. With marches for better wages in Hollywood, rallies at the site of the upcoming Republican convention in Milwaukee and murals calling for empathy in El Paso, pro-immigrant demonstrators around the country mark International Workers’ Day with demonstrations against restrictive state immigration policies and for immigration reform. Organizers from cities around the US talk about their plans. In other news, a series of mural-style portraits of deported migrants, who arrived in the United States as children, is part of a mural that will be installed in the historic bridge area of Ciudad Juarez. They are profound stories of lives forever changed by deportation, marked by displacement and resilience.

Guests: Leonel Flores, May 1st. Committee, Fresno, CA; Christine Neuman-Ortíz, Executive Director, Voces de la Frontera, Milwaukee, WI; Fermín Vasquez, Deputy Director of Communications, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights-CHIRLA, Los Ángeles, CA; Berta Hernández, Member, May 1st. Coalition of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; ​​Dr. Lizbeth De La Cruz Santana, Project Director / “El Paso del Norte” Mural and Assistant Professor, Black and Latino Studies Department, Bernard M. Baruch College, The City University of New York-CUNY, New York, NY.


PROGRAM #10360 12:00 PM PT

College Protests Over Bombing in Gaza. Pro-Palestinian protests are spreading through colleges across the US. Hundreds have been arrested. Students say they are angry at US continuing support for the bombing of civilians in Gaza. Student leaders are invited to discuss their protests. Also, after months of delay in Congress, President Biden signed a $95 billion military aid law for Ukraine and Israel. A reporter explains what’s in the package.

Guests: José López Zamorano, Contributing Reporter, Washington, DC; Yessica, Ph.D. Student of American Studies, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM; Ide Isabeles, Student of Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, University of California at Merced (UC Merced), Merced, CA; Dr. Gaspar Rivera-Salgado, Ph.D. Project Director and UCLA Labor Center Director, UCLA Center for Mexican Studies, Los Angeles, CA.

May 1 Rallies. As pro-immigrant rallies take place around the US on International Workers’ Day, a long-time human rights activist reflects on the state of immigrant rights, the atmosphere in an election year, and the meaning of the marches and events.

Guest: Adelina Nichols, Executive Director, GLAHR, Atlanta, GA.


PROGRAM #10361 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Next Gen at Radio Bilingüe. A new executive has been chosen to join the founding leader of Radio Bilingüe as co-executive director as the national community-based media organization opens the doors for the next generation of leaders. What’s the vision for the new phase of the Latino radio network? What major projects are on the horizon? What can served communities, audiences and stations expect from these changes?

Guests: Hugo Morales, Co-Founder, Co-Executive Director; José Martínez-Saldaña, Incoming Co-Executive Director; José Morán, Incoming Director of Broadcasting; María Eraña, Outgoing Director of Broadcasting, Now a Senior Producer and Adviser, Radio Bilingüe, Fresno, CA.

PROGRAM #10362 12:00 PM PT

On Abortion Bans and Other News. After Arizona’s Supreme Court revived a Civil War-era law that bans virtually all abortions, state lawmakers passed a bill to repeal it. If the State Legislature does not block it, the law will soon go into effect. Analysts examine the political ramifications of this debate in a battleground state. Also, the six-week abortion ban took effect in Florida. And the US Supreme Court heard arguments on major cases, including Trump’s absolute immunity claims, Idaho’s strict abortion ban, and criminalizing homelessness. A reporter gives an overview.

Guests: José López Zamorano, Contributing Reporter, Washington, DC; Yolanda Bejarano, State Chair, Arizona Democratic Party, Phoenix, AZ; Maritza Felix, Journalist, Writer and Founder, Conecta Arizona, Phoenix, AZ; Gina Arias, Campaign Director, Maternal Mental Health, MomsRising, Boca Ratón, FL.


PROGRAM #10363 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition. Mexican presidential candidates would face each other in the second debate of the 2024 election last weekend. This program includes highlights of the scheduled session. Also, on the eve of a deadline to clarify and restore the right to vote for thousands of Mexican emigres, election officials are invited to discuss the controversial matter. Finally, as construction crews continue cleaning debris and rebuilding areas devastated by Hurricane Otis months ago, local Acapulco residents share their feelings about the progress of the recovery projects.

Guests: Claudia Zavala, Advisor, National Electoral Institute and Member, Temporary Commission for the Vote of Mexicans Residing Abroad, Mexico City, MX; Samuel Orozco, News Director, Radio Bilingüe, Fresno, CA.

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