Linea Abierta Programming: October 28, 2024

Special Election Coverage. This week, as part of our “Hacia el Voto 2024” series, Línea Abierta continues offering an expanded two-hour program block to offer news and analysis on the November election, with a focus on the Latino vote, the top issues driving the vote, key races in battleground states, and the most relevant state ballot propositions.
PROGRAM #10566 11:00 AM PT
Duarte vs. Gray Rematch: The Battle for the House. Democrat Adam Gray challenges incumbent Republican John Duarte in a tossup race for the 13th Congressional District in California’s heavily agricultural San Joaquin Valley. This contest is closely watched nationally because it’s one of very few races that could determine who wins the House. This program includes highlights of a public debate between Duarte and Gray, convened in Modesto, CA. It also includes a discussion with local advocates on both sides of the political debate on what’s at stake in this congressional race.
Guests: Soundbites of Duarte vs Gray Debate, Modesto, CA; Eliseo Gamiño, President, Central Valley Leadership Roundtable, Firebaugh, CA; Gloria Sandoval, Civil Rights Activist, Merced, CA.
PROGRAM #10567 12:00 PM PT
Tackling Gas Price Spikes. Amid escalating gas prices, California Gov. Newsom signed a new law he says will help avoid gas price spikes as Californians pay the most for gas in the nation. The new measure, to take effect in January, allows the state to require oil refiners to store more fuel to avoid supply shortages that create higher gasoline prices for consumers and higher profits for the industry. Republicans replied by introducing bills geared to lower gas taxes and give more oil drilling permits. Political activists on both sides of this issue debate the effects of the new law.
Guests: Araceli Martinez, Reporter, Los Angeles, CA; Argelia León, Director of Strategic Alliances and Policy for the Southwest, Western States Petroleum Association-WSPA, Sacramento, CA; Arturo Carmona, President, Latino Media Collaborative, Los Angeles, CA.
PROGRAM #10568 11:00 AM PT
Valadao vs. Salas Rematch: The Battle for Congress. Democrat Rudy Salas is running again in California’s highly competitive 22nd Congressional District, a seat occupied by Republican David Valadao despite being a district that President Biden won and one where Democrats hold a large advantage among registered voters. The outcome of this race may help determine who will hold the House majority. This program includes soundbites of a recent debate between both candidates and views from opposing sides about this contest.
Guest: Teresa Romero, President, United Farm Workers-UFW, Bakersfield, CA; excerpts from the debate between Valadao and Salas broadcast by KGET News Station, Bakersfield, CA.
Waltz on the US Vice Presidential Campaign. This is an exclusive interview with US democratic vice-presidential candidate, Minnesota governor Tim Walz.
Guest: Tim Walz, Minnesota Governor and US Vice-Presidential Candidate, Saint Paul, MN, today from Savannah, GA.
PROGRAM #10569 12:00 PM PT
Immigration Edition. Pro immigrant advocates discuss the top issues that drive newly naturalized citizens to vote and what’s at stake for their families and communities. On other news, a factcheck expert debunks false claims about immigrants that are being pushed in campaign ads and candidates’ rhetoric, including non-citizens voting and taking advantage of housing and health care benefits. Finally, a legal expert who spearheaded the 2006 immigrant mega-marches is now calling on new voters to march to the polls.
Guests: Sindy Benavides, President and CEO, Latino Victory Project, Washington, DC; Larry Kleinman, Political Analyst and Commentator, La Política Más Crítica, Radio Poder, Woodburn, OR; Attorney Rosalba Piña, Immigration Law Expert, Leader of First 2006 Mega-Rally, Chicago, IL; Rafael Olavarría, Politics and Migration Fact-checker, Atlanta, GA.
PROGRAM #10570 11:00 AM PT
Latino Recovery and Challenges after the Pandemic. The Latino civil rights organization in the US published a new report chronicling the economic recovery experienced by Latino families since the Covid-19 pandemic, including the increase in largest home purchases and the faster creation of new businesses. The report also touches on the economic challenges for working-class families. What’s the state of the economy in Latino families? How to help improve economic recovery? What to do about child poverty?
Guests: Lisette Orellana, Director of Economic Policy, UnidosUS, Washington, DC.
Concerning Disparaging Comments About Puerto Rico. A comic character called Puerto Rico a “floating island of garbage” before a packed Donald Trump rally in New York in an act seen as a humiliation for a territory that has long suffered mistreatment. Although Puerto Ricans cannot vote in the presidential general election despite being U.S. citizens, they can wield powerful influence with relatives on the mainland. This and other issues are discussed in this segment of the program.
Guests: Frances Colón, Senior Director for International Climate Policy, Center for American Progress, Washington, DC; Yadira Sánchez, Executive Director, Poder Latinx, Seattle, WA, today from Phoenix, AZ.
PROGRAM #10571 12:00 PM PT
The Battle for Arizona and Pennsylvania. Latinos in Arizona and Pennsylvania may cast the crucial vote in the close election for the White House. One in four voters in Arizona is Latino and Pennsylvania’s electorate has more than doubled since 2000. Are Latinos ready to vote? Are candidates engaging them? What early voting numbers say about the mood of voters in those states?
Guests: Elvia Diaz, Editor, The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ; Nancy Herrera, Directora Estatal de Arizona, Poder Latinx, Phoenix, AZ; Nicole Melaku, Executive Director, National Partnership for New Americans-NPNA, Chicago, IL; Laila Martin Garcia, Universal Representation Campaign Manager, National Partnership for New Americans-NPNA, Harriesburg, PA; Carmen M. Feliciano, Vice President of Policy and Advocacy, UnidosUS, Washington, DC.
PROGRAM #10572 11:00 AM PT
Tackling the Maternal Health Crisis. In California, every five days, a mother loses her life due to pregnancy-related complications and death rates among Latinas on health conditions such as heart disease are on the rise. What do Latina women need to know to protect themselves? California’s Surgeon General and other health care experts join this program to discuss the steps the state is taking to ensure better care for Latina mothers, pregnant women and their families.
Guests: Dr. Diana Ramos, California Surgeon General, Sacramento, CA; Brenda Vieyra, Community Educator, Breastfeed LA, Los Angeles; Bertha Pérez Sánches, a mother from California’s Central Valley; Maggie Vieyra, a mother from Los Angeles, CA.
PROGRAM #10573 12:00 PM PT
Early Voting Turnout. Early voting is in full swing around the US and the numbers are growing so fast that some battleground states are breaking turnout records. How many have voted early? What do voters need to know about early voting and voter registration? How is civil society fighting election misinformation?
Guests: Janet Murguia, President and CEO, UnidosUS, Washington, DC; Patricia Zapata, Director of Membership and Leadership Development, CASA, York, PA.
The Latino Vote Power. The Latino electorate grew from 32 million to 36 million since the 2020 election and it is now positioned to impact the outcome of the presidential race and many competitive congressional races. In these elections, about one out of four Latino voters will cast a ballot for the first time in a presidential election. Civil rights leaders comment about where can Latinos tip the balance of power, the Latino voting blocs, and the pocketbook issues galvanizing the Latino electorate. This program includes excerpts from a recent exclusive interview with U.S. Democratic Vice-Presidential Candidate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.
Guests: Tim Walz, Minnesota Governor and US Democratic Vice-Presidential Candidate, Saint Paul, MN, in a pre recorded interview from Savannah, GA; David Huerta, President, SEIU-USWW, Los Angeles, CA; Adonias Arevalo, Chief of Staff, Poder Latinx, Norcross, GA.
PROGRAM #10574 11:00 AM PT
The Final Stretch. With four days from Election Day, the battle for the US presidency, the House and the Senate is in a dead heat. News hosts who have been covering the election share news and analysis on early voting turnout numbers, the closing arguments of the campaigns, the voter mood in battleground states, the races to watch, the incidents of disinformation targeting Latino voters, and what to expect in the last days.
Guests: Chelis López, Co-Host, Línea Abierta, San Francisco, CA; Gerardo Guzmán, Co-Host, Línea Abierta, Atlanta, GA; José López Zamorano, News Reporter and Analyst, Línea Abierta, Washington, DC; Samuel Orozco, Host, Línea Abierta, Fresno, CA.
PROGRAM #10575 12:00 PM PT
Mexico Edition. More than 160 million US citizens are poised to vote in the US presidential election on November 5th, and the outcome of their vote will be felt in Mexico in areas such as trade, tariffs, migration, and security policies. How are Mexicans viewing the US election? What’s the mood among the Mexican people? What are politicians saying about it? How is the media covering the election?
Guest: José Maria Ramos, Professor and Researcher, Specialist in governance, security and US-Mexico relations, Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana, Baja California, MX.