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Línea Abierta at 30 Years

By Radio Bilingüe
Published February 25, 2025

Abogada Rosalba Piña, una de las primeras y apasionadas voces de Línea Abierta, que ha sabido conectar y encender el entusiasmo y brindar concejo legal a la radio audiencia de este laureado programa noticioso e informativo. Foto: Radio Bilingue.

PROGRAM #10696 12:00 PM PT

Línea Abierta at 30 Years. 

A day like today 30 years ago, Línea Abierta premiered at the gathering site of station members of the National Federation of Community Broadcasters in Albuquerque. Issues critical to immigrant communities, from Proposition 187 in California to the current national policy on mass deportations, have been a top focus of the service. Renowned advocates and legal experts who through the decades have examined the impact of immigration policies and provided useful advice for immigrants at risk, join this program to reflect on the journey and examine the road ahead.

Guests: Carlos Spector Calderón, Immigration Attorney, El Paso, TX; Rosalba Piña, Immigration Attorney, Chicago, IL; Juan Arámbula, Former California State Assemblymember, Fresno, CA.

Photo:Radio Bilingue/Flickr

For more information about Linea Abierta and to find previous shows visit our  Linea Abierta page.

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