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Latino Parenting: Challenges and Strengths

By Radio Bilingüe
Published June 17, 2024

PROGRAM #10409 12:00 PM PT

Latino Parenting: Challenges and Strengths. It is widely understood that the well being of US society will depend on the health and resiliency of Latino families and communities. Yet there is little public discussion on the parenting roles of Latino fathers. In this Father’s Day edition, experts discuss cultural values that shape parenting styles for Latinos, including familialism, masculinity, respeto and the tradition of compadres and padrinos. How can parents help their children grow up to be happier and healthier, confident problem-solvers?

Guests: Dr. Hector Colon-Rivera Addiction specialist and Outgoing President, American Psychiatric Association Hispanic Caucus, Philadelphia, PA; Dr. Juan Garcia, Executive Director, Community Counseling Services/ Integral Community Services Institute, Fresno, CA; Esmeralda Mendoza, Marriage and Family Therapy Associate, Community Counseling Services/ Integral Community Services Institute, Fresno, CA.

Photo: Marcos/Adobe Stock

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