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Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

By Radio Bilingüe
Published June 14, 2024

Samuel Orozco y Laura Guzmán. Foto: Miguel Guerrero.

What are Biden and Trump Offering Latinos to Win their Votes? – With less than five months to go before the general election, the campaigns of President Biden and former President Trump have stepped up their efforts to woo Latino voters. The states of Arizona and Nevada in particular have seen many public events and private meetings, as well as an avalanche of political advertisements. Why the frenzy to attract Latino voters? Are they offering real solutions to their demands? José López Zamorano brings us the details from Washington.

San Francisco Seeks a Way Out of the Fentanyl Overdose Crisis – The city of San Francisco, California, was the epicenter of fentanyl overdose deaths in the United States last year. Annually, this crisis claims the lives of more than 100,000 people nationwide, and Latinos are among the most affected. To find a solution, family members of survivors, healthcare workers, and community activists gathered at a forum organized by Radio Bilingüe at the Brava Theater, located in the heart of the Latino neighborhood in the Mission. Miguel Guerrero was present and has the report, part of “Closing the Gap,” a special series supported by the Sierra Health Foundation.

Precautions Urged Ahead of a Dangerous Hurricane Season – Hurricane season has already begun, and due to climate change, the Florida peninsula is expected to see almost twice as many storms as last year. What precautions are the authorities recommending, and why is it so important to heed their words, especially for newly arrived immigrants in the area? Diana Montaño heard from two hurricane survivors about their struggles and brings us this report from Miami.

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