Helping English Learner Students
Estudiantes latinos de preparatoria se entrevistan entre sí acerca de sus proyectos de investigación grupal en una clase de inglés. Foto: Allison Shelley / EDUimages
PROGRAM #10414 12:00 PM PT
Helping English Learner Students.
California has made considerable progress over the past decade in improving the state’s public education system and recognizing the gifts that English learner students bring to school. But there is much more work to be done. To shed light on the road ahead, an education advocacy coalition is releasing a report that reveals data about who English learners are, how they are being served in the education system, and what state and local leaders can do to better serve their needs.
Guest: Manuel Buenrostro, Author of “The State of English Learners in California Schools” and Policy Director, Californians Together, Sacramento, CA.
Tackling Teacher Shortages. As fewer people go into teaching careers and a severe shortage of pre-school and K-12 teachers hits the schools of low-income, Latino communities around the nation, US lawmakers propose a bill to provide incentives to retain educators in high-need schools. Authors of the plan are invited to discuss the incentives.
Guest: Noel Candelaria, Secretary-Treasurer, National Education Association-NEA, Washington, DC.
Student Loan Relief Deadline. Millions of student loan borrowers have just a few days to apply for lower payments or faster debt forgiveness by applying for federal loan consolidation. What are the details of the federal student debt relief plan? How to apply for student loan forgiveness?
Guest: José López Zamorano, Contributing Reporter, Washington, DC.
Photo: Allison Shelley for EDUimages
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