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Heat Waves Hit Outdoor Workers

By Radio Bilingüe
Published June 26, 2024

This time we will discuss the level that the temperature has reached, since the heat has arrived earlier than expected, it has become more intense, and at night it is also perceived with great intensity.

Experts say that heat is the leading cause of weather-related death and even called the intense heat waves the silent killer.

Tens of millions of people across much of the U.S. are facing what could be the longest heat wave in decades for some areas, a situation scientists are concerned about, calling it a “Dangerous Season” and a “Killer Heat”.

Juan Declet Barreto, Senior Social Scientist for Climate Vulnerability at the Union of Concerned Scientists, talks about how climate change intensifies these heat waves.

Juan Declet Barreto talks about the severe impact on people’s health, who are the vulnerable groups.

As the medical community warns that intense heat damages health and people can lose their lives, let’s listen to Juan Declet Barreto.

He adds that there is a significant list of impacts on people that translate into illness.

Juan Declet Barreto, Senior Social Scientist for Climate Vulnerability, Union of Concerned Scientists, says it’s important that there are protections at the federal level that take care of outdoor workers.

He regrets that there are states like Florida where they inhumanely want to prohibit workers from being given breaks.

However, he made it clear that there are figures and studies on the effects of extreme heat, so that FEMA recognizes that it is a great threat to health.

Finally, Juan Declet Barreto, shares how some cities are preparing for the arrival of high temperatures.

This report is made possible in part by The California Endowment.

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