Gridlock on Farm Bill

PROGRAM #10336 12:00 PM PT
Gridlock on Farm Bill. The new Farm Bill is facing headwinds in Congress. Republicans who oppose increased spending in climate-related conservation farming practices and anti-hunger, food-assistance programs, are pushing to switch funds from the Inflation Reduction Act (“the largest investment in conservation on farming in a century”) for agriculture climate-mitigation projects to instead spend them in crop subsidies. What are the plans to tackle extreme weather events affecting farmers? Is there any conversation on essential farmworkers? What’s the future of the Farm Bill in an election year?
Guests: José López Zamorano, Reporter, Washington, DC; Joe L. Del Bosque, Farmer, Del Bosque Farms, Firebaugh, CA; José Oliva, Campaigns Director, HEAL Food Alliance, Chicago, IL; Miguel Ramos, Crew butler in the citrus fields, Tulare County, CA; Francisco García Núñez, Farm worker (planter, pruner, harvester) in various locations in California, Planada, CA.
Photo: Diana Robinson via Flickr
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