Gaza: Worsening Humanitarian Disaster
Paisaje del bombardeo genocida israelí en la franja de Gaza. Foto: Batoul84 via Wikimedia,
PROGRAM #10332 12:00 PM PT
Gaza: Worsening Humanitarian Disaster. After the world court ordered Israel to ensure aid and halt famine in Gaza, and the UN Security Council demanded a ceasefire, Israeli forces continued launching raids on Gaza hospitals. Political analysts discuss the latest news and their ramifications in the US, where public opinion has turned against Israel and disapprove of how President Biden is handling the situation.
Guest: Almudena Bernabeu, Co-Founder and Director, Guernica37 International Justice Chambers, International Attorney, San Francisco, CA, today from Spain.
Boosting Parents’ Engagement in Schools. Latino students were among the hardest hit by pandemic learning loss. How far behind did they get in school? How can they recover? Are they getting the help they need? A leader of parents talks about community efforts to build a Latino educator pipeline in K-12 education and prepare Latino parents to participate in school board meetings and their children’s schools.
Guest: Christy Moreno, Chief Community Advocacy and Impact Officer, Revolución Educativa, Member of National Parents Union, Kansas City, MO.
Photo: Batoul84 via Wikimedia
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