Transferring to Full-Scope Medi-Cal

PROGRAM #10337 11:00 AM PT
Extra Edition: From Emergency Medi-Cal to Full-Scope Medi-Cal. (Program Repeat). Under a new California law, comprehensive Medi-Cal is now available to all people, including the undocumented. People currently on emergency Medi-Cal benefits will automatically transition into full-scope Medi-Cal. What do Medi-Cal enrollees need to know and do? This archival program was originally aired on April 4, 2024.
Guests: Jesús Velasco, Membership Enrollment Manager, Clínica Monseñor Oscar A. Romero, Los Angeles, CA; María Romero-Mora, Office of Communication and Community Engagement, California Department of Health Care Services-DHCS, Sacramento, CA.
Immigrants on Medi-Cal Hit by Disenrollment. A disproportionate number of Latinos have been kicked off Medi-Cal, as California resumes annual eligibility checks that were paused during the Covid-19 pandemic. Among the hundreds of thousands of affected beneficiaries are people who had recently gained coverage through Medi-Cal expansion to undocumented residents. After health advocates pressed for a pause, a lawmaker introduced a bill that would slow disenrollments and extend flexible pandemic-era policies.
Guest: Jasmine Aguilera, Senior Reporter, El Timpano, In Collaboration with KFF Health News, Oakland, CA.
Photo: Azeemud/Adobe Stock License
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