Extra Edition: Super Tuesday

PROGRAM #10301 11:00 AM PT
Extra Edition: Super Tuesday. It’s Super Tuesday in the US. Sixteen states are voting in the primaries. The Latino vote may be decisive in California, Colorado and Texas. Are Latino voters turning out to vote? What are the big choices in the ballots? What’s motivating and what’s stopping Latinos from voting? How to cast a ballot? What tools and hotlines are available to assist the Spanish-speaking voter? What are the rights of the voter on Election Day? This is part of our special series Hacia el Voto 2024.
Guests: Rubén Tapia, Reporter, Los Angeles, CA; Fermin Vasquez, Spokesperson, CHIRLA, Los Angeles, CA; Antonio Arellano, Vice President of Communications, NextGen America, Houston, TX; others TBA.
Photo: gguy/Adobe Stock License
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