Helping People Enroll and Stay in Medi-Cal

PROGRAM #10344 11:00 AM PT
Extra Edition: Helping People Enroll and Stay in Medi-Cal. Community health organizations in California are ramping up activities to reach out to people who could benefit from a new state law that gives all immigrants access to full scope Medi-Cal. Many are facing challenges to enroll people in Medi-Cal because of the lack of healthcare navigators to help people one-on-one. A news reporter gives details about those efforts. On another story, in order to stop the ongoing wave of Medi-Cal disenrollments, children advocates are urging legislators to pass a bill known as Protecting Medi-Cal Coverage for Californians Act, to allow adults enrolled in Medi-Cal to keep their coverage as they used to under the pandemic-era safeguards.
Guests: Christian De Jesús Betancourt, Reporter, The Merced Focus/El Enfoque de Merced, Merced, CA; Mayra E. Alvarez, President, The Children’s Partnership, Los Angeles, CA
Photo: JackF/Adobe Stock License
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