Fight Over Renaming Yokuts Valley (Repeat)

PROGRAM # 10289 11:00 AM PT
Extra Edition: Fight Over Renaming Yokuts Valley on the Ballot. (Program Repeat)
After the state of California renamed Squaw Valley to Yokuts Valley in Fresno County, the County’s political leaders sued and lost the battle in court, when the judge agreed that the term “squaw” is considered a racist and sexist slur, particularly against Native women, and determined that the county lacked standing. Now the county board is using the ballot on March 5, asking the voters to give the board the power to reverse the name change. Local community leaders discuss the issue. This program includes voter information on early voting for the primaries in California, Colorado and Texas. This archival program was originally aired on February 15, 2024.
Guests: Juan Arámbula, Former California State Assemblyman, Fresno, CA; Gloria Hernández, Activist, Fresno, CA.
Photo: Smerdis via Wikipedia
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