Election Results Second hour

PROGRAM #10586 12:00 PM PT
Election Results. (Second hour).
News reporting and commentary on the results for the presidential election, congressional races, as well as crucial state referendum initiatives. How to understand the official count, what are the results in key state elections, lawsuits challenging the election results, and more. Experts on the economy, reproductive rights, immigrant rights, are invited to comment on the outcome of the election.
Invitados: Chelis López, Copresentadora, Línea Abierta, San Francisco, CA; Gerardo Guzmán, Coanfitrión de Línea Abierta, Atlanta, GA; Jaime Florez, Director de Comunicación y Difusión Hispana, Comité Nacional Republicano, Miami, FL; Luis Fernando Atencio, Analista Político, Partido Demócrata en Miami-Dade, Miami, FL; Laura Carlsen, Analista Política y Directora, MIRA-Feminismos y Democracias, Ciudad de México, MX; Maribel Hastings, Columnista y Directora, America’s Voice en Español, Washington, DC.
Photo: Anoo/Adobe Stock
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