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Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

By Radio Bilingue
Published May 26, 2023

Debt Ceiling Deadline Approaches – Will the Nation be Able to Pay its Bills on Time? Amid disagreements over the size of government spending cuts for the next few years, the White House and Republican congressional leaders continue to engage in frantic negotiations over the debt ceiling. As the deadline for the debt default approaches, there is still no deal in sight. José López Zamorano reports from Washington with the details on the key points of contention.

One Year After Uvalde Massacre, Families Move from Grief to Activism – This week marked the one year anniversary of the massacre of children and teachers, most of them Latinos, at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. A year after the tragedy, grieving families are complaining about slow progress in investigations and inaction in the state legislature to impose controls on assault weapons. Feeling ignored, many in Uvalde are beginning to speak publicly for the first time, transforming their personal pain into social activism. Gerardo Guzmán reports.

Founder of Radio Bilingüe Receives Honorary Doctorate from Harvard – Harvard University has conferred its highest honor, an Honorary Doctorate, on Hugo Morales, co-founder and executive director of Radio Bilingüe, citing his pioneering work in public radio in the United States. Morales, creator of the binational public radio network that is Radio Bilingüe, is credited with spearheading an extraordinary national effort to create spaces for new voices to be heard. Morales is the first indigenous Mexican and the first Latino in the United States to receive Harvard’s prestigious distinction. Ruben Tapia brings us this report.

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