Early Voting Turnout

PROGRAM #10573 12:00 PM PT
Early Voting Turnout.
Early voting is in full swing around the US and the numbers are growing so fast that some battleground states are breaking turnout records. How many have voted early? What do voters need to know about early voting and voter registration? How is civil society fighting election misinformation?
Guests: Janet Murguia, President and CEO, UnidosUS, Washington, DC; Patricia Zapata, Director of Membership and Leadership Development, CASA, York, PA.
The Latino Vote Power. The Latino electorate grew from 32 million to 36 million since the 2020 election and it is now positioned to impact the outcome of the presidential race and many competitive congressional races. In these elections, about one out of four Latino voters will cast a ballot for the first time in a presidential election. Civil rights leaders comment about where can Latinos tip the balance of power, the Latino voting blocs, and the pocketbook issues galvanizing the Latino electorate. This program includes excerpts from a recent exclusive interview with U.S. Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.
Guests: Tim Walz, Minnesota Governor and US Vice-Presidential Candidate, Saint Paul, MN, in a pre recorded interview from Savannah, GA; David Huerta, President, SEIU-USWW, Los Angeles, CA; Adonias Arevalo, Chief of Staff, Poder Latinx, Norcross, GA.
Photo: VCU Capital News Service/Flickr
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