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DNC 2024: Presidential Nomination

By Radio Bilingüe
Published August 23, 2024

PROGRAM #10478 11:00 AM PT

DNC 2024: Presidential Nomination.

Kamala Harris, the first woman elected US vice president, is expected to address the final day of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, accepting her party’s nomination as a presidential candidate, another historic milestone. This special edition features highlights of Harris’ speech, as well as the three Democratic presidents who are expected to speak during the convention. Political analysts also discuss the road ahead to November.

Guests: Emmanuelle D. Leal-Santillán , National Communications and Media Director, Somos Votantes, Chicago, IL; Dolores Huerta, Co-founder, United Farm Workers-UFW, and Founding President, Dolores Huerta Foundation, Chicago, IL.

Photo:Jarid Polin/flickr

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