Debt-Ceiling Fight. Also, Fentanyl Crisis.And, More Translation Resources in Colorado.

PROGRAM #10008 12:00 PM PT
Debt-Ceiling Fight. Time is rapidly running out for Congress to raise or suspend the federal debt ceiling and prevent the nation from defaulting and falling into a crisis. What are the likely scenarios? What are the risks of a default? Who would be most impacted? What’s already costing the US?
Fentanyl Crisis. The overdose crisis continues to take a huge and increasing death toll in the nation, especially among people in poverty, without health insurance or who are incarcerated, driven by the rise in fentanyl consumption. Legislators around the nation debate whether to ramp up harsher penalties for fentanyl or invest heavily on a public health-centered approach. How to curb the opioid overdose crisis? What would be the impact of a crackdown on fentanyl? How to reduce risks and save lives? How to intervene with lifesaving treatment?
More Translation Resources in Colorado. A bill recently passed in the Colorado Legislature will help expand access to translated education documents and interpreters for parents who don’t speak English fluently and who have children with disabilities. The bill is being pushed by parents and education advocates.
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