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Biden-Harris campaign turns to Latinos

By Radio Bilingüe
Published July 02, 2024

The national campaign team of Democrats Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, is headed by a Latina woman Julie Chavez Rodriguez, who has among her responsibilities to increase voter interest especially in our Latino community.

As you know many of the Latino votes could be very decisive in this presidential election, therefore, the top leader of the Biden-Harris presidential campaign talks about how the decision was made to announce President Biden’s new executive actions that will allow spouses and children of U.S. citizens to access citizenship without leaving the country.

“It’s a very historic moment for our campaign, for our administration and for the president. Because President Biden is fighting to reunite our families. But Donald Trump wanted to separate immigrant families and caused a lot of trauma in our Latino community.”

“This is such an important opportunity for us, and you know that action has the ability to provide protection for thousands, hundreds of thousands of people within our community who otherwise what they fear is either being separated from their families, because of deportation or they’ve put their lives on hold, not knowing what the future really holds for them.”

This follows the various actions the president is taking for our community and the immigrant community.
He also comments on how they are preparing to deal with the foreseeable litigation from the conservative opposition.

“This process is case by case.” “It will not give clearance to a certain number of people at the stroke of a pen. Each of these cases will go through a process and each will be evaluated to determine whether they qualify for this benefit. And what conservatives are planning to do to challenge the executive order really has no basis, no merit. You know we strongly believe that the president has said that this is within his authority, especially given the inaction that we continue to see in Congress.”

Julie Chavez Rodriguez, National Campaign Director for the Biden-Harris Presidential Campaign comments that on the immigration issue it has failed, not only in Congress, but Donald Trump, specifically and most recently on two occasions, has helped derail any kind of real legislative progress or solution for immigration.

“But we also have to remind them of what’s at stake in this election and that they have a very clear choice before them and they have the power to make sure that President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris get re-elected and continue to improve the things that matter most to them, the things that are affecting their families in contrast to someone like Donald Trump, who is only focused on himself, on making his billionaire corporate friends richer, who is only focused on demonizing our community and saying that he’s going to not only reinstate family separation, but he’s going to create a massive deportation program.”

Julie Chavez states that they have been organizing very heavily and building our campaign infrastructure in all of our battlegrounds. She said they are opening offices in Latino communities making sure they know what is at stake in this election.

So he says there is important work we need to continue to do in the Central Valley to reach out to Latino voters. We have a majority of Latino voter support in the Central Valley, but often, as you said, they are not engaged. They don’t turn out to vote or when they do they don’t understand that it’s important to vote, of course, for President Biden, but if we don’t have a democratic senate and house. He doesn’t have all the tools he needs to carry out the agenda we are proposing.

Finally Julie Chavez, the leader of the national Biden-Harris presidential campaign, reminds us that we need to continue to build a sense of real power, hope and opportunity for our community.

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