Battling Breast Cancer

PROGRAM #10594 12:00 PM PT
Battling Breast Cancer.
Many women in the US will be diagnosed with breast cancer and receiving a breast cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming and disorienting. What to know after you or a loved one is diagnosed with breast cancer? An expert discusses how to find patient-centered care, and options for treatment of breast cancer and emotional support.
Guest: Dr. Daniela A. Ochoa, Breast Cancer Surgeon, American College of Surgeons, Little Rock, AR.
Talking About Shingle Shots. One million people develop shingles in the US every year. To prevent being one of them, experts recommend people over 50 years old to talk about the risk of shingles when going to the pharmacy to get their flu vaccine this fall. A top expert discusses the physical, emotional and mental consequences of shingles, how it can affect your daily life, and common misconceptions.
Guest: Dr. Daniel Verdi, Specialist in Pharmaceutical Medicine, Senior Medical Director for the US of GSK, Philadelphia, PA.
Small Business and Climate Change. A small business leader discusses how recent economic policies impacted small business and the potential impact of health care reforms. She also discusses the impact of extreme weather caused by climate change on small businesses, including service disruptions and unexpected expenses and the state of minority-owned businesses in the current economic climate. She talks about the Inflation Reduction Act’s investments in building a clean energy economy.
Guest: Conchie Fernandez, Founder of CF Creative and Board Member, Small Business for America’s Future, Boca Raton, FL.
Photo: National Cancer Institute/Unsplash
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