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Antonio Ríos-Bustamante: RIP

By Radio Bilingüe
Published July 19, 2024

PROGRAM #10448 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Antonio Ríos-Bustamante: RIP.

Eminent historian and Chicano movement activist Antonio Rios-Bustamante passed away in April. Born in Los Angeles, Rios-Bustamante was a professor of history and Chicano studies, author of many books on Chicano/Latino history and a leader in the movement to develop Latino museums and public history programs. Thirty years ago, Antonio served in the advisory board of Satélite Radio Bilingüe, a national Latino satellite-distribution system in public radio. In this posthumous tribute, we repeat an interview aired on September 18, 2000 about his studies on the first Mexican settlers in Wyoming, and fellow scholars share memories and comment on his legacy.

Guests: Yolanda Bernal, Widow of Antonio Ríos-Bustamante, Tucson, AZ; Ana Rojas, Artist, Social Activist and Retired Medical Professional, Alameda, CA.

Illustration with pictures courtesy of Antonio Jose Rios-Bustamante Memorial and Newtoncourt/Wikimedia

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