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A Way Out of the Overdose Crisis

By Radio Bilingüe
Published June 08, 2024

PROGRAM #10402 12:00 PM PT

A Way Out of the Overdose Crisis.

San Francisco’s drug crisis has quickly worsened as 2023 became the city’s deadliest year for drug overdoses, amid a national rise of fentanyl. As culminating part of the special radio series “Bridging the Gap” and in collaboration with Brava Theater in San Francisco, convened a community forum in the heart of the San Francisco barrio with family members of survivors of drug addiction, frontline workers who are helping save lives, and public health officials who are tackling the crisis. What’s behind this new drug overdose crisis? What’s been done to invest in drug treatment in the worst-hit areas? What new approaches are being tested to reduce harm? This is a recorded version of the forum.

Guests: Dr. Marlene Martin, Addiction Care Team Director, Addiction Initiatives, LCOE Division of Hospital Medicine, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital, University of California at San Francisco-UCSF, San Francisco, CA; Laura Guzman, Executive Director, National Harm Reduction Coalition, Oakland, CA; Valeska Cruz, Community Health Promoter, Latino Task Force, Sister of Overdose Victim, San Francisco, CA.

Photo: Diseño: Sara Shakir

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