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More on the Trump-Harris Debate

By Radio Bilingüe
Published September 16, 2024

PROGRAM #10507 12:00 PM PT

More on the Trump-Harris Debate. As Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says he would not participate in a new debate, Democratic contender Kamala Harris, who had a windfall fund-raising after the recent debate, called for a rematch. Analysts comment on this news. They also continue fact checking and discussing takeaways from the first Trump-Harris debate in areas such as health care, climate, and immigration.

Guests: Marissa Franco, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Mijente, Phoenix, AZ; Paula Andalo, Ethnic Media Editor, KFF Health News, Silver Spring, MD; Adelina Nichols, Executive Director, Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights-GLAHR, Atlanta, GA.

Photo: Screenshot of CSPAN Debate Live Broadcast.


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